Course curriculum

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    • Dr. Amanda says hello

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    • Here's how this course works, along with your starting tools.

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    Step 1. Secure the Gig

    • Lesson 1: The Pitch.

    • Lesson 2: Fail to Prepare You Prepare to Fail.

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    Step 2. In Session Road Map

    • Lesson 3: Building Rapport

    • Lesson 4: Setting up for Belief Change discussion.

    • Lesson 5: Sherlock Holmes™

    • Lesson 6: Outcome and SCORE

    • Lesson 7: Next steps

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    Step 3: Post Session Protocol

    • Lesson 8: Next Steps post retreat.

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    Step 4:Feedback is the Food of Champions

    • Lesson 9: Feedback to grow.

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.